May 24,
Ranch Heights Elementary

Brad - a super 5th grader
on Super Kids Day

Kimberly- a super 3rd
grader on Super Kids Day

Harley acts like he's
throwing a softball at the photographer but he's really helping out with
the softball throw at Super Kids Day

Kimberly takes time away
from playing with her friends to love on her dad.

Brad gets ready to take on
another challenger in the mat competition!

3rd graders pose on their
new "big toy" that PTO collected enough money to purchase this

Brad's girlfriend beat him
3 times in the sumo ball challenge! Yes...he was embarrassed!

Brad wins in the
mat challenge!

Best friends and having fun
what 3rd grade is all about. :-)

5th graders watch their
competition in the
tug of war! Brad looks worried :-)

5th grade tug of war - Mr.
class beat everyone else!!