Brad as Franz, the butler &
Kim as Sister Mary Kimberly

Here are a few pictures from the
"Sound of Music". It was performed July 17-20 at the
Bartlesville Community Center. The entire cast did a GREAT job and
the show was a HUGE success. Brad played Franz, the butler, and
Kimberly played a nun, a party guest, and one of the festival trio
girls. The show was directed by Nick Sweet who is a favorite of
the kids. Next year it's Peter Pan!
Each small picture is a "thumbnail" picture so be sure to
click each one to see the full size version.
Kim in her festival trio girl costume & Brad is still
Franz, the butler

Kim gets hair & makup done

Sheryl is the best!

Brad and Skylor hand out in Brad's dressing room

Brad & Chris clowning around

Brad & Chris pose in front of their dressing room

The director, Nick Sweet, poses with the kids

"Franz", the butler

Britney & Sophie

Our neighbor, Mr. Kirchman, is one of Kim's biggest fans

Dressed up for the party scene


Kim & Mrs. Shoemake show how they stand alike

This festival trio girl takes a rest at the reception

Kim found her "date", Caleb, in time for the
party scene

Melissa congratulates Kim at the reception

Grandma Grace brings flowers for Kim

and a goodie bag for Brad

"Rolf & Liesel"

Carissa, Brad, & Megan

Brad hates wearing stage makeup

Cory, Me, & Brett...I was their dresser

"Maria" meets the Von Trapp kids

Each child introduces themself

Singing their fears away

"Elsa, Captain Von Trapp, & Max"

Captain Von Trapp sings Edelweiss

"Maria & Mother Abyss"

The Von Trapp children are overjoyed that
"Maria" came back

"Maria & Captain Von Trapp" fall in love

"Maria" at the wedding

Nuns are singing at the wedding

The happy couple returns from their honeymoon

The festival trio girls
(Kim is on the right)

Another wedding picture

Brad takes a bow at curtain call

The Sound of Music Cast